Today was the first full day that we had Sarah with us. She is a beautiful little girl, but is she every obstinate. She wants her way, wants to do what she wants when she wants it, or she pushes things away, pushes us away and throws a fit. Quite a difference from Emily when she was a baby.
We did enjoy some gentler sides of Sarah, as she got quite cuddly a few times, and we had fun when Emily and Sarah played on pillows on the floor. She seems to prefer Steve to me, though he's been in

the room more with her as I had to try to find the Bank of China today (I'll tell you that one in a minute). She talks quite a bit and will try to carry on a conversation with you, and she had her first bath today, which was tolerated, but we didn't get the tantrum we expected from her.
Emily continues to be tremendous help and doing exceptionally well with all this. She is very patient with Sarah and helped with her diaper changes, with feeding her and is generally very concerned about Sarah's well-being. She broke down once

today, telling me she wanted to go home and another time telling me she just wanted to be alone as she didn't know what would make her happy. This is a long trip for a little person.
OK, Bank of China. Our hotel will not cash American Express Traveler Checks. The only place, we are told, that will cash them in Wuhan is the Bank of China. Our Chinese guide said it is only a 10 minute cab ride and wouldn't go with us. Three families needed to run to the bank so a rep from each family headed out with our little card with our destination

printed on it by the concierge. No taxi would take us, they just kept pointing us to another cab, and then finally to the other side of the street, even with the bellhop trying to help us. They kept pointing and telling the bellhop it was just a few blocks away; we should walk. We headed off, and came to a bank called the Construction Bank of China. According to a partial English-speaking manager, they could not help the other two families that needed a credit card advance, but they could cash my traveler checks; however, the Bank of China was just a few blocks away, so we decided to stick together and all go there and he seemed to like that idea. Many blocks later and we've stopped in the Agriculture Bank of China, the Merchants China Bank, etc. etc., and yes, a Bank of China, which is too small to cash my checks. It is drizzling out and we have no umbrella and we were ambushed by four little kids, about 5 years old, hanging on us begging for money. One literally threw her arms around the legs of the guy with us and hung on. One grabbed my arm and walked with me for over a block, pleading. She was the size of Emily...it was hard to watch. We finally gave up after stopping at five banks. It seems no one here really knows the difference between banks; as long as it is a bank, it is "the bank of China."

We headed back to the first bank that had said they could help me. I was waived upstairs and got there to find not a soul in the room. Went back downstairs and the English speaker looked confused, and then went with me to a woman behind the desk. No cash check...go to Bank of China. We gave up and walked 'home.' Later today, we solicited our guide to go with us to the Bank of China.
To top it all off, I tried to convert 2-$100 bills at our hotel and there were little black ink marks on them. Sorry, they can't convert them for me. Can you believe it? I had to go back to the room and find other bills to convert into RMB.

All the families did get a trip to the Carrefour, something like a Super Wal*Mart, that our guide set up for us. It took about an hour and 15 minutes for everyone to find what we needed...certainly harder to shop when you can't read anything. We did see many brand names we recognized, like Tide, Pampers, Maggie, Ritz, Kraft, Lays, Bugles, Coke, Pepsi and Johnson and Johnson.

Back in the room late this afternoon, it was difficult as everyone was tired and Sarah was overly hungry. Two kids do keep you busy and it is especially hard living in two rooms with no activities, limited TV in English (ESPN and HBO), and limited food that a five year old and baby can or will eat. We're only two days away from being half way through our journey.
I miss you very much, can't wait for you to come over and play. I want to meet Sarah, she is very cute. Have a safe trip and fun too!
Love you,
Wow, sounds like a really rough day. Hang in there - I have never been through what you and the family are experiencing but I am sure it is all worth it in the long run.
I laughed when you said Sarah seems to prefer Steve - he is such a lovable goof.
Just wanted to say hello and let you know we are thinking of you at the preschool. I am glad to hear that you are being such a big helper. Before you know it, you will be back home again. Tell mom and dad I think they are very brave and Jesus will continue to watch out for all of you.
Miss you, Mrs. Sullivan
Anne, Hang in there. When things like that happen to me, I chant "With Christ, I can do anything" over and over, and it helps. How frustrating though.
Sarah sounds like she is finding her limits. Testing the boundries and seeing what she can get away with and what she is allowed to do. Be consistant and she'll settle down. God didn't make everyone the same for a good reason! You'll do fine I am sure!
Interesting to hear what brands are over there and are "universal". I enjoyed that even if Uncle Bob had to make fun of you. I thought that was cool. A little bit of home.
We will keep praying for you and reading the blog. I am certainly enjoying following your journey.
Ann, Steve, Emily and Sarah,
we are so happy to hear you
finally have Sarah in your arms. Loved seeing the pictures, Sarah is a doll and we can't wait to meet her. Hope the rest of your trip is a little less exciting than what you have been through so far. Take care and we'll see you soon.
Mary, Caitlin & Emma
Hi Emily,
I'm glad to hear everything is going well for you and your family. We miss you at preschool and can't wait to hear all about your sister and your trip to China! Take care and may God bless you all!
Mrs. Wohlers
Thanks for the updates; very good to hear of your "adventures"! It certainly has been an interesting trip so far! We hope that the remainder of your trip will bring you good memories, like your "gotcha day"! It won't be long and you will be back home and we will all be "OOOOing and Ahhhing" over Sarah. Emily we are so proud of you and can't wait to share your special hugs!
Hang in there.
We love you.
Grandma and Grandpa
Hi Emily,
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
Are you having fun in China? I can't wait for you to come home so we can play and I can meet your Sarah. I miss you.
:0) :0)
Ann and family,
I am so thrilled at your new daughter Sarah. She is a beautiful addition to your family. It will be fun years from now to see how much about your trip Emily can remember. I just love being able to follow your journey to China. I have given the web address to a few friends who are waiting to travel to China to pick up children.
Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the trip!
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