I just wanted to send a big thank you to everyone that is reading our blog updates and especially for those that are taking the time to send us emails. You don't know how encouraging it is when you are half way around the world, sitting in a hotel room trying to entertain two little kids, looking for food they'll eat, tired yourself, and then you find an email from family or a friend. It means so much knowing that you are all out there with us, thinking about us

A little note to All Saints School and all of Emily's friends, teachers and their families...thank you for the continued emails. Emily loves to hear from you. An extra special thank you to Maddie and Ava for sending Emily emails! Mrs. S and Mrs W., thanks too for your kind words.
Kayla, Libby and Frannie, Emily also liked to hear from you...she gets a smile on her face when she gets an email from you.
Thanks for the notes from the crew at ConAgra Foods...Diana, your emails are wonderful. I miss you all, and yes, I'm missing work.
Lastly, thanks to our family that continuously sends us emails, literally every day. Joe, Elin, we appreciate the advice when Sarah first arrived. Bob, your emails make me laugh every day. Nan and Butch and Fran, we're so glad to hear from you. Mom and Dad, what can I say but we love you and can't wait to see you at the airport.

That was a good email from you.. That made me smile about Sarah calling out Mama to you..Sounds like emily playing when she was younger.. doesn't it Emily? It's good to hear from you, From work I have Marla and Tracy following alone with you on your trip. Hope to get down to the Cities towards the end of the Month in March..Stay safe on your trip home, I'll see you all soon.
Love,Uncle Bobby
Ann Steve, Emily and Sarah,
Thank you so much for the lovely email. We are glad that we were able to make your journey a bit easier by keeping in touch with you. You are never very far away even though you are physically on the other side of the world. We are so grateful for your precious family.
We enjoyed the story about Sarah. She has finally recognized her Mama and Baba! Soon she will be saying Emily's name as well!
I wonder what name she will think of for us, will it be like the one that Emily chose, "Baca"? Will be interesting!
Have a safe journey home, we will be seeing you soon.
Mom and Dad/Grandma and Grandpa
Ann, Steve, Emily and Sarah,
I know that we sent a message on this entry yesterday, but we wanted you to know how much we enjoyed the added pictures of your "angels". Thank you.
Hugs to your "angels"!
Mom and Dad/Grandma and Grandpa
Steve, Ann, Emily and Sarah:
The Dillingham family wishes you well. Just think soon you will be home! This HAS to bring a huge smile to you face just thinking this thought.
John, Maddie and I are in Florida right now so we are enjoying the excerpts from your blog over a good cup of coffee.
Maddie sends her love to Emily and told me to tell Emily she missed her at the Valentine's Day party at school. I, being the dutiful messenger, complete the requested task! I am sure Maddie will be hounding me soon for another playdate with Emily! We would LOVE to have Sarah as well as soon as she is acclimated and comfortable in her new environment.
Safe travels to you all and welcome home soon to you (and especially to Sarah) from Minnesota. You are such a beautiful family!
Warm regards,
John, Maddie and Mitzi Dillingham
Ann & Family,
Sorry I have not emailed in a while, but Sparky and the crew have been keeping me busy! That doesn't mean, however, that I have not been thinking about you! Everyone at work cannot get over how beautiful the pictures are and how descriptive your entries have been. We want to thank you for taking us along on your journey...we truly feel like we have been there with you because you have been so inclusive. Little Sarah has assimilated into your family so well. Her sense of humor and spirit have really become evident through your stories of her, and Emily has taken so beautifully to the role of the older sister. She will have a lot to teach Sarah, and Sarah is so lucky to have her. Emily will help make her transition to Minnesota a happy and secure one. And as for you and Steve...Sarah is the luckiest girl in the world to find you. You have been anticipating her arrival as long as she has been in this world, and although she was born thousands of miles away, she waited patiently for you to find her and take her into your hearts. The Japanese phrase for an adoptive child means 'child of my heart' and that is what both Emily and Sarah are to you. You yearned for them and they waited for you to find them and bring them home. This part of the journey to find Sarah may be at an end, but Sarah's journey with you is just beginning.
Have a safe trip home!
Diana & your friends in Marketing
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